In fulfillment of the federal law protecting personal data in possession of private parties (hereinafter “the Law”),GRUPO OPERADOR MEMORA, hereinafter, JP Hoteles, with domicile in Av. Eugenio Garza Sada 3820 Piso 8, Torre Micropolis, P.C. 65780, Monterrey, NL. México, with Federal Taxpayer Registry number GOM180514DS8, is responsible for the personal data which you provide, as well as its protection, under the terms of and in compliance with the principles embodied in the Law.

The personal data you provide to us, whether in person, by telephone or via the Internet, may include but not be limited to the following:

Identification data: Your name, date of birth, Federal Taxpayer Registry (RFC) number, age, nationality, Unique Population Registry Code (CURP) number and Social Security number.

Contact data: Domicile, e-mail address and telephone numbers.

Academic and employment data: Academic and professional preparation, work experience, personal references.

Purchasing and financial data: Bank account numbers, payment information, purchase information, commercial and bank references, information that can be obtained only in accord with the terms of Article 10 of the Law.

Data that you provide will be stored on our database with the goal of protecting it so no improper use of it is made, for which reason we assume responsibility for optimizing your information with the sole aim of faithfully serving those who confide their personal data to us.

Upon obtaining your personal data, the aim and purpose is to comply with the legal and contractual relationship between this institution and you, which may include personal identification, providing needed products and services, contact, recruitment and selection, provision of necessary resources for our favorable development, delivery of acquired products, and timely follow-up to orders, as well as advertising and promotion for marketing purposes, and placing our services at your disposal in the market area in which we currently specialize, focusing on satisfying your needs. The objective of the use of your personal data is concentrated only in the legal relationships we enjoy with clients, suppliers and personnel.

In the event that you wish to limit the use or disclosure of your personal data in order to avoid receiving advertising or promotional material, or any other contact for any reason, you should contact our office in charge of personal data use.

In the event that you wish to exercise your ARCO rights (that is, gain access to, rectify, cancel or oppose the use of your data) and revoke the permission you have given us, either tacitly or expressly, you may do so at any time. To do this, it is necessary to present a request that must include the name of the contractee, an address or medium for sending a reply, a document confirming identity, a description of the right being exercised and any other information that may assist in the location of your data. Once the request is presented, we will respond within 20 days using the same medium in which the request was made.

The area responsible for safeguarding personal data, as well as for following up any request you make using your ARCO rights or limiting the use and disclosure of your data, is our Systems Department, which is at your service at the following e-mail address,, with the aim of attending to questions and requests connected with the use of your personal data.

We notify you that your personal data will not be shared with third parties, except when you use this company as a reference. However, JP Hoteles will share personal data if it is requested by a competent authority acting under a judicial order.